The XLarge Big Green Egg provides a cooking area that can easily accommodate meals for large families and cookouts with all your friends – and you can efficiently prepare several meals over the coals at once.
Happiness in a smaller package – the Medium EGG is perfectly sized for smaller families and couples, and accommodates all the most popular EGGcessories like the Plate Setter and Baking Stone.
A MINI EGG is the perfect solution for picnics and tailgating when you want to take The Ultimate Cooking Experience with you! It is also a popular size for grilling on apartment balconies or camping and boating.
The all new MiniMax Big Green Egg is proof that great things come in small packages – and this EGG is the first to arrive with its own transportation in the form of a sturdy, easy to grip Carrier!
Big Flavor in a compact package! The Small EGG is an easy fit for smaller patios and balconies, and is able to prepare four burgers or chicken breasts at a time.